Legal Notice | CRA Group
The CRA Group, LLC, a North Dakota limited liability company, shall be referenced herein as “CRA”, “we” or “our”. The commercial real estate services that we provide to our clients include the following and other similar services (collectively, “Services”):
Commercial real estate advising
Seller & landlord representation
Buyer & tenant representation
Real estate promotion & marketing
Investment brokerage
Market research & data
Real estate evaluation
Real estate negotiations
In order to better perform its Services, we will provide information, pictures and hyperlinks (collectively, “Materials”) on our website, on email or other correspondence, on other social media, and in offline contacts and transactions (collectively, “Website”) for use by our clients and other third parties, each of whom shall be referenced herein as “you”. By using the Website, reading our Materials, or seeking other information from our brokers, advisors and other agents, and as an inducement to CRA to provide Materials on its Website, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Legal Notice. Please make sure you carefully read this Legal Notice and understand the terms and conditions herein.
General Terms and Conditions
Neither CRA nor any of our brokers, advisors and other agents shall be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, or consequential loss, damage or injury of any kind whatsoever in connection with respect to the Services, the Materials or the Website, even if we are advised of the possibility of such damages. Further, in no case shall CRA’s liability, or the liability of any of our brokers, advisors and other agents , arising out of any kind of legal claim (whether in contract, tort or otherwise) in any way connected with the Services, the Materials or the Website, exceed the total dollar amount you paid to CRA or any of our brokers, advisors and other agents, as applicable.
When using any of the Materials, you agree to comply with any and all applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations (collectively, “Laws”) governing the Materials, including all Laws governing copyrights, trademarks, licensing, advertising, business practices, and all other aspects of doing business in the United States or any other jurisdiction.
All information, pictures, statements, research and other information contained in the Materials or on the Website are derived from sources believed by CRA to be reliable, but any earning claims of outside parties have not been verified; regardless, we do not assume any responsibility for any errors or omissions associated with such information. You agree to independently verify any information upon which you intend to rely for any transaction or other purpose.
You assume responsibility for the proper use of all Materials, including adherence to all applicable Laws. You hereby agree to indemnify CRA and our brokers, advisors and other agents and to hold them, and each of them, harmless from and will defend them against any and all claims, judgments, liabilities, expenses and damages (including attorney’s fees and costs) arising out of or in connection with your use of the Materials in any manner breaches any Laws. Any and all claims and actions arising out of or in connection with the Services, Materials or Website shall be governed by the laws of North Dakota and shall be venued solely in the District Court in and for Burleigh County, North Dakota.
No Materials are intended for use as a source of legal, accounting, or tax advice. You are advised to retain the services of competent professionals for legal, accounting, or tax advice.
We reserve the right to make changes to any of the terms and conditions set forth in this Legal Notice. We also reserve the right to immediately terminate any Services that we are providing to you if you do not comply with these terms and conditions. If you do not accept these terms and conditions, then you should leave the Website and refrain from reviewing or using any of the Materials. We assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to your use of the Materials.
Content of Materials
CRA assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever to verify, edit, control, monitor or restrict the content of data provided by our clients or other third parties for display on the Website. You agree to independently verify any information included on the Website upon which you intend to rely for any transaction or other purpose.
You further agree that you will not distribute, electronically transmit or ask CRA to display on the Website any information which shall or may (i) violate any Laws; (ii) infringe on any intellectual property rights (e.g., copyright, trademark, patent or other proprietary rights) of any other party; (iii) be defamatory, slanderous, libelous, threatening, harassing, or discriminatory; (iv) promotes hate; or (v) contains viruses or other computer programming defects which may result in damage to any party.
CRA owns and uses the following tradenames and trademarks (collectively, “Trademarks”) during its provision of the Services:
(Trademark) The words “Real Estate Advisors”
(Trademark) The words “Redefining Commercial Real Estate”
(Trademark) The words “The CRA Group”
(Trademark) The words “Commercial Real Estate Advisors”
(Trademark) The words “We Don’t Wait for the Future, We Broker It.”
(Trademark) The words “Building Relationships. Building the Community.”
(Tradename) Commercial Realty Group
(Tradename) CRA
We reserve all rights and interests associated with the Trademarks. Any usage of other trademarks owned by any third parties is only for illustrative, educational, or entertainment purposes, without intent to infringe. Any such trademark usage does not constitute endorsement by CRA, or any of our brokers, advisors and other agents. Any violation of our Trademarks will be promptly prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
CRA reserves all rights and interests regarding any and all copyrights of CRA associated with our Materials and the Website. If you submit information, pictures and hyperlinks to CRA, through the Website or otherwise, you agree that such materials may enter our copyright, unless indicated or agreed upon otherwise, and can and may be used in our marketing efforts for any Services. No translation or reproduction of CRA’s copyrights, either electronically or mechanically, is permitted without express written permission from CRA except in cases where proper credits have been given. Any violation of our copyrights will be promptly prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
Collection of Information
When you access Materials or otherwise use the Website, we may collect non-personally identifiable information about you in a number of ways, including tracking your activities through your IP address or most-recently-visited URL. However, we do not collect any personally identifiable information about you unless you voluntarily submit contact information to us, such as name, phone, email address, and mailing address by filling out a form or survey, registering your email address with us or emailing us. We may also collect personal information from you at other points on our Website that state that personal information is being collected.
Review and Removal of Your Personally Identifiable Data
If you provide us with personally identifiable information to have us perform ongoing Services to you, we will provide you with a way to review the information we have on file and either change or remove such information. To do so, please notify us and we will provide you with your contact information for review. To make changes, send us the changes and we will respond to your request for access within thirty (30) days of the request. Unfortunately, to the extent that such information is also stored in other databases, we cannot always ensure that such corrections or deletions will reach the other databases. If you wish to have information you provided to us online removed from our records, please provide us with the information as you submitted it to us. We will use all reasonable efforts to ensure that your information is removed from our records.
Disclaimer- Property & Business Opinions of Value
A Broker Opinion of Value is not an Appraisal and has not been performed in accordance with the uniform standards of professional appraisal practice. The purpose of this Broker Opinion of Value is to assist the client with financial and marketing decisions. It is not intended to meet the requirements of any other use or purpose.
Disclosure of Information
We do not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to any third parties.
Use of Information
We use personally identifiable and non-personally identifiable information for internal marketing purposes, for trend analysis, for pattern detection, and for Website administration. However, we do not use personally identifiable information collected from the Website to send unsolicited mailings to you. Of course, if applicable, we do use personally identifiable information to perform the Services for which such data was collected (i.e., if you sign up for an email newsletter, we will send the email newsletter to the address you provide us). We will provide you the opportunity to ‘opt-out’ of having your personally identifiable information used for certain purposes, when we ask for this information.
Third Party Sites
The terms and conditions set forth in this Legal Notice only address our Services, Materials and Website. Other sites (including those that we link to within our Website) may have their own policies, which we do not control, and thus are not addressed by this Legal Notice.
Cookies and Other Tracking Methods
When you view our website, we might store some information on your computer. This information will be in the form of a “cookie” or similar file. Cookies are small pieces of information stored on your hard drive, not on our site. Cookies, which are tied to personal information, do not spy on you or otherwise invade your privacy, and they cannot invade your hard drive and steal information. Rather, they help you navigate a website as easily as possible. Cookies can help us provide information that is targeted to your interests and they allow us to better understand how users use our Website, which in turn helps us focus our resources on features that are most popular with our users. You are always free to decline our cookies if your browser permits, but some parts of our site, including our registered customer account web sites may not work properly in that case.
We take precautions to protect your information. When you submit sensitive information via our Website, your information is protected both online and offline.
Our Website may contain links to other sites. Please be aware that we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our Website and to read the privacy statements of any other site that collects personally identifiable information.
Changes in Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions set forth in this Legal Notice are subject to change by us at any time, without notice. All changes to these Terms of Use are published here; we encourage you to check back often for the latest version of this Legal Notice. All changes are retroactive to include all previous encounters and transactions.